2025-2026 Scheduling
2024-2025 Master Schedule available to download
2025-2026 Master Schedule will be available May 2025
2025-2026 Course requests forms
& Course Selection Catalog are available for download.
8th Grade Student and Parent Presentation - Class of 2029
Class Scheduling Meeting - Class of 2028 (Current Freshman)
Class Scheduling Meeting - Class of 2027 (Current Sophomores)
Class Scheduling Meeting - Class of 2026 (Current Juniors)
Schedule Change Timeline
Students have an opportunity to request a change once the master schedule has been created and their schedules have been released. This is generally 2 weeks before the end of the school year.
There is another opportunity the first 3 days of the new school year.
DO NOT EMAIL your Counselor to change your schedule. All requests must be made through the scheduling form!!
This is the last time students are able to request a change for the rest of the current school year! Schedule Change Forms (online) will be availabe one week before the end of Term 1.
They are accepted during a 3 day window before the end of the term & a 2-3 day window at the beginning of Term 2.
DO NOT EMAIL your Counselor to change your schedule. All requests must be made through the scheduling form!!
There is NO spring window for schedule change requests.
Drop-Add Policy
Students and parents are responsible for establishing a satisfactory class schedule prior to the start of each term.
Whenever a student changes a class, the new teacher may require the student to make up work from the first day of the term. All schedule change requests must be made via the schedule change request form with parent permission.
Level One - First three days of term: student requests for a schedule change must be made via the Schedule Change Request form and received in the Counseling office by the 3:00 PM of the third (3rd) day of the term.
Level Two - From day four through day eight of each term, the following procedures apply:
A. If the request is initiated by the teacher who feels the student is misplaced and both
the parent and student agree schedule will be changed with no additional approval needed.
B. If the request is initiated by the student or parent the following applies:
- The parent must submit the Schedule Change Request form. The teacher will sign the request indicating approval of the drop. If the teacher disagrees, the following steps will be taken:
- The counselor will schedule a meeting with the student, parent, current teacher and possibly the potential receiving teacher.
- If all parties agree with the change at this meeting, the schedule will be changed with no additional approval needed.
- If all parties do not agree at this meeting, all will provide written input to the principal stating their position regarding the change. The principal will make the final decision.
Occasionally, after day eight, a student may be allowed to change, to a lower level comparable class, on teacher recommendation. Whenever a student changes to a lower level comparable class, the grades to date in the current class will travel to the new class but the student will be responsible on the term test for all work missed in the new class.
Level Three - After day eight, students are committed to completing the class unless a medicallyrelated situation, as verified by the principal, justifies withdrawal. In this case a "W" will be recorded for the marking period and final grades.
The "last day to drop a class" is day eight of each term.
Dual Enrollment
"Dual Enrollment" provides an opportunity for high school students to enroll in college courses while in high school. When a student meets the guidelines established by the Michigan Department of Education, the school will assist with tuition and the student may receive high school and/or college credit for the work. Part of the requirement for approval currently includes taking the PLAN, PSAT or ACT tests.
Qualified students need to meet with their counselor and the principal to fill out required application material in the spring for fall classes and by early December for winter classes. Students taking a fall college class must enroll for Dual Enrollment both fall and winter terms. Students taking a winter college class must enroll for Dual Enrollment both winter and spring terms.
Virtual (21F) Courses
Students may earn Chelsea High School course credit for online courses according to the following guidelines:
- Courses Taken During the Normal School Day & Year: Up to two credits per year may be earned. Credit will only be granted for courses not offered on site at CHS, except in cases of a schedule conflict and as approved by the designated high school administrator. The cost of these classes may be the responsibility of the student or their family.
- Courses taken outside the normal school day: Students enrolled in a full CHS schedule may earn up to 2 additional CHS credits per school year (September-August). Such credits may not be used for early graduation. Credits earned to meet graduation requirements must be pre-approved by the designated high school administrator. The cost for these classes may be the responsibility of the students or their family.
- Credit Recovery: Students may recover up to two additional CHS credits per school year using online courses. Such credits may not be used for early graduation and must be completed by May 15, of the 12th grade year. Students may only enroll in an online credit recovery course after having taken and failed the corresponding CHS course. Credit earned to meet graduation requirements must be pre-approved by the designated high school administrator. The cost for these classes may be the responsibility of the student or their family.