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Updates from Counseling for the week of 10/21/24 through 10/25/24

Week of 10/21/24 through 10/25/24

Last week counselors met with students eligible to apply for the STRIVE Rotary scholarships. Students signed up to participate in this program which includes a monthly meeting with different Rotary Club speakers. Students who attend at least 5 of the 6 meetings, complete one hour of community service, and show an improvement in their GPA will compete for one of three scholarships.

Counselors presented classroom lessons to juniors in their AP US History A sections this week. Topics included: 

  • Reviewing how to log in to Naviance

  • Working on Educational Development Plans in Naviance by taking the Career Interest Profiler assessment.

  • Career exploration based on the assessment results

  • Learning about college exploration tools in Naviance and starting a “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list

  • Learning about college visits, both at CHS and on college campuses

  • Logging into their College Board Account ahead of taking the PSAT/NMSQT test, so they will be ready to view their score report when available.

This week counselors helped to proctor the PSAT/NMSQT test on Thursday October 24th. All Juniors took this test. 

October is Michigan College Application month and many colleges waive their application fees for the whole month. Access the fee waiver list for 2024 here: Michigan College Month Scroll to the bottom and click on this link: Download resources about admission fee waivers for Michigan College Month and the whole year →

The following colleges are visiting CHS next week:

  • Kalamazoo College at 8:00 am and Ferris State University at 9:20 am on Monday 10/28 

  • Northwood University on Tuesday 10/29 at 1:40 pm 

Students register for visits through their Naviance account. Once students register, they will receive a pass on the morning of the visit.

Financial Aid Night will take place on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m.  It will be held in the CHS auditorium.  A U of M Office of Financial Aid representative will be presenting.

Peer 2 Peer met this week in the counseling office. 

We continue to support students who are experiencing mental health crises and to help parents and students with academic concerns.

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