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Updates from Counseling for the week of 10/28/24 through 11/01/24

Week of 10/28/24 through 11/1/24


This week counselors have been busy helping seniors ahead of the November 1st Early Application deadline for college applications.

On Monday, Mrs. Thomas-Hill took a group of students on a field trip to the Peer 2 Peer training at Eastern Michigan University. This program is sponsored by the University of Michigan Eisenberg Family Depression Center. The students learned how to create a mental health awareness school wide campaign. 

On Tuesday, the Financial Aid Night took place in the CHS auditorium. Slides from this presentation were sent to parents and posted on the counseling website.

Mr. Mann presented a lesson about growth mindset and stress management to all students in Advanced Fitness and Freshman Fitness on Wednesday.  

Next week counselors will present classroom lessons to juniors in their US History A sections Topics will include: 

  • Reviewing how to log in to Naviance

  • Working on Educational Development Plans in Naviance by taking the Career Interest Profiler assessment.

  • Career exploration based on the assessment results

  • Learning about college exploration tools in Naviance and starting a “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list

  • Learning about college visits, both at CHS and on college campuses

  • Logging into their College Board Account after taking the PSAT/NMSQT test, so they will be ready to view their score report when available.

The following colleges are visiting CHS next week:

  • The University of Michigan -  Dearborn on Monday November 4th  at 1:40 pm 

Students register for visits through their Naviance account. Once students register, they will receive a pass on the morning of the visit.

The US Air Force will be in the counseling career room during all three lunches on Thursday 11/7 and the US Army will be there on Wednesday 10/16. Interested students can stop by during their lunch. 

We continue to support students who are experiencing mental health crises and to help parents and students with academic concerns.

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