Updates from Counseling for the week of 9/30/24 through 10/4/24
Week of 9/30/24 through 10/4/24
Parents, please note: Parent Teacher Conferences will take place at CHS on Thursday October 10th, from 3:45 pm until 7:00 pm. Counselors are available and will meet with parents on a walk-in basis.
Parents of Seniors - is your senior applying to MSU? If so, please have them submit their application on Common App no later than October 15th, in order to save $65! The fee waiver code is Spartan1855.
October is Michigan College Application month and many colleges waive their application fees for the whole month. Access the fee waiver list for 2024 here: Michigan College Month Scroll to the bottom and click where it says:" Download resources about admission fee waivers for Michigan College Month and the whole year →"
The following colleges are visiting CHS next week:
University of Michigan - Flint on Tuesday 10/8 at 1:40 pm
Bowling Green State University on Wednesday 10/9 at 8:00 am
Washtenaw Community College on Wednesday 10/9 at 1:40 pm
Michigan Technological University on Thursday 10/10 at 12:30 pm
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on Friday 10/11 at 1:40 pm
Students register for visits through their Naviance account. Once students register, they will receive a pass on the morning of the visit.
Financial Aid Night will take place on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. It will be held in the CHS auditorium. A U of M Office of Financial Aid representative will be presenting.
All juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifier Test) on October 24th, at no cost to them. Click here for more information about standardized testing: https://chs.chelseaschools.
Click here for more information about how to prepare for the SAT or the PSAT: https://chs.chelseaschools.
Counselors have started small group meetings with Freshmen about the high school experience and advice from seniors.
Peer 2 Peer and Bulldog Mentors met this week in the counseling office. Our DBT group will have its final meeting next week. A new DBT group will be offered soon.
We continue to support students who are experiencing mental health crises and to help parents and students with academic concerns.